Legumes are the family that include all beans and pulses. A legume includes the whole plant, but we typically only eat the beans and pulses. Pulses are the dried seeds like lentils and split peas. Beans include green beans, black beans, adzuki beans, fresh peas, fava beans etc.
The word pulse comes from the Latin puls, which means seeds that can be made into a thick soup.
Pulses, unlike some beans including peanuts and soybeans, are low in fat, and high in protein. They are an affordable source of protein too.
Burma is the third largest exporter of dried legumes in the world. They are a significant source of Burmans dietary protein.
Legumes in Iraq have been cultivated for thousands of years. Some familiar dishes include falafel and hummus. Fasiola Yabsa is an everyday dish made with white beans.
In Somalia, cambuulo is typically eaten for dinner. It’s a dish made with adzuki beans, rice or corn, sesame oil, and sugar.
In Guatemala, black beans are favored and play an essential role in nourishing people there.